If you are considering going to rehab, an important consideration is whether or not the location you selected accepts your insurance. Because rehabilitation is a “get what you pay for” situation, selecting a rehab center that accepts your insurance and meets your needs is crucial to recovery.

Starbridge Recovery is a rehabilitation facility in Los Angeles, California that works with many major insurance companies to cover the costs of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Our luxury treatment facility and compassionate staff are ready to help you across the bridge to recovery. Contact our drug rehab, with Aetna insurance accepted, today.

Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

Addiction is a tricky disorder. Many of the initial signs and symptoms include hiding information and lying, which can make it difficult for loved ones to identify a problem. However, there are some additional physical and behavioral signs that may make identifying an addiction in your loved one, or yourself, less challenging.

Drug addiction symptoms or behaviors include, among others:

Identifying these behaviors calls for intense self-reflection and/or intervention by a loved one.  If you have noticed these behaviors or symptoms, contact Starbridge Recovery, a drug rehab with Aetna insurance accepted.

How to Pay for Drug Rehab With Aetna Insurance

To see if your Aetna insurance policy is accepted at the drug rehab facility of your choice, the best option is to contact Aetna’s customer care website or log in to your secure Aetna member login. 

The other option, to see if your choice of drug rehab has Aetna insurance, is to contact the drug rehab center directly with your insurance policy information. The registration department at the rehab facility you’ve chosen will be able to submit your information and see what coverage you have through your insurance policy. 

Generally, most Aetna insurance policies cover some form of rehabilitation, so it is important to familiarize yourself with what they will and won’t cover to prevent a surprise bill following care. 

Reach Out to the Team Today at Starbridge Recovery

At Starbridge Recovery, we accept Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, and many other major insurance policies. Our comprehensive drug and alcohol rehab programs are designed with our clients in mind. Through detoxification and inpatient rehab, clients access tailored treatment plans to meet their specific needs.

At Starbridge Recovery, our compassionate and medically trained staff are equipped to help treat addiction and other mental health concerns (dual diagnosis). By treating the root cause of addiction, our clients can fully implement the treatment protocols learned through rehabilitation.

Contact Starbridge Recovery, our drug rehab with Aetna insurance accepted, to see how we can support your treatment today.

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